Economically, truss bridges with spans between 100 and 200 meters have been employed. A bridge truss derives its economy from...
Civil Engineering
Steel Bridges Types and Benefits have been adopted in the past for major bridges on highways and more commonly on...
Arch Bridges:Cantilever BridgesThe Arch bridges and Cantilever Bridges Arch Bridges: The arch form is best suited to deep gorges with...
Timber PilesAdvantages of Timber PilesDisadvantages of Timber PilesConcrete PilesPre-cast Concrete PileAdvantages of Pre-cast PilesDisadvantages of Pre-cast PilesCast-in-Place Concrete PilesAdvantages of Cast-in-Place Concrete...
Pile FoundationsUse Of Pile FoundationTypes of Pile FoundationsPile Foundation Classification by Use or FunctionSheet PilesLoad Bearing PilesEnd Bearing PilesFriction PileSoil...
Types of Losses In PrestressesLoss due to Elastic Deformation deformation of ConcreteIn Pretensioned PSC BeamIn Post-tensioned PSC BeanElastic ShorteningLoss due...
Simple Harmonic Motion Method For Undamped SDOFNewton's Method for Undamped SDOFEnergy method For Undamped SDOFRayleigh's method For Undamped SDOFD'Alembert's principle For...
Hydraulic ConductivityHydraulic TransmissivityHydraulic Conductivity and Transmissivity Hydraulic Conductivity The ability of soil to transfer water under a hydraulic gradient is...
Need for Investigation for a BridgeSelection of Bridge SiteThe characteristics of an ideal site for a bridge across a riverPreliminary...
WorkabilityFactor affecting workabilityWater ContentSurface textureShape of aggregatesGrading of aggregates:SegregationBleedingEfflorescenceTest for WorkabilitySlump TestCompaction factor testVee - Bee testBall penetration testFlow table...